viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011


An assertion is an enthusiastic or energetic statement presented as a fact, although it is not necessarily true. Assertion is commonly used in advertising and modern propaganda. They often imply that the statement requires no explanation or back up, but that it should merely be accepted without question. Any time an advertiser states that their product is the best without providing evidence for this, they are using an assertion.

1st EXAMPLE (Crest) – includes statement that Crest leaves your teeth 2x cleaner than “ordinary toothpaste” without any evidence

2nd EXAMPLE (Cingular):  It might be true, who knows?  There’s simply no evidence to back up the claim.

3rd EXAMPLE (Toyota Dealership): Well, I know some ladies who might like this concept; however, I know others who would be offended.  Again, there’s no evidence to back up the statement.

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